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Cancer: Cause and Cure

A 20th Century Perspective By Percy Weston

Cancer: cause and cure



A 20th Century Perspective

By Percy Weston

Cancer: Cause and Cure. A 20th Century Perspective by Percy Weston. ISBN: 0646403133 Book Bin Publishing Pty Ltd Adelaide SA, Australia 2000, 2003

About the author
Table of Contents


CANCER: CAUSE AND CURE A 20th Century Perspective
By Percy Weston

Percy Weston, an Australian farmer, chronicles his experience with phosphorus and its affect on the health of humans, farm animals and crops. He shows how chemical farming leads to degenerative disease, and how by eating organic foods with the correct mineral balance it can be reversed. His story is fascinating, and even more so, since he was born in 1903 and still alive and kicking in 2004.

As a small boy he suffered partial paralysis after inhaling the fumes from a phosphorous impregnated match and later he experienced headache and nausea after inhaling the phosphorous fumes from rabbit bait. He also noticed that the rabbits became paralyzed before dying.

Smoking Virginia leaf tobacco, grown with superphosphate to produce high yields, made him feel weak and giddy for hours whereas smoking standard brown leaf tobacco, which is grown without superphosphate, gave no ill effects.

Weston observed a student in a science class accidentally inhale phosphorous gas and within seconds collapse on the floor. In another school science incident a student carried a piece of flaming phosphorous around the class room. Within minutes most students were struggling on the floor and 17 were admitted to hospital. Workers in factories that made wax matches died from a disease known as phossey jaw which was linked to exposure to white phosphorous.

Superphosphate is a chemical fertilizer which is produced by the action of sulphuric acid on phosphate rock, making the phosphorous more soluble for faster release. Weston attributed many problems to the use of superphosphate.

During a mouse plague on the wheat fields in 1932, Weston discovered many had cancer lesions on the ears, nose, tail and feet. A decade later he saw the same types of cancers in a plague of rats.

By 1930 the soils in Victoria Australia were saturated with phosphorus and newspapers carried their first reports that cigarettes were to blame for lung cancer. Other adverse effects of the heavy application of superphosphate was a marked increase in insect activity; tobacco became stunted and suffered from mosaic virus and bunchy top -- two diseases where the cell multiplication of the plant goes haywire (as in cancer); and gorgon headed tomatoes and potatoes also began appearing.

In mid 1937, he observed a neighbor applying a 4 gallon tin of super to the family vegetable garden. A year later both boys in the family suffered polio (infantile paralysis) and one died. Weston notes that this was just one case amongst many in his farming community.

Sheep and cows on pasture fertilized with superphosphate also suffered from cancer and disease. He observed that some sheep would rather starve than eat pasture fertilized with high levels of superphospate, and those that did eat either became ill or died.

Weston's theorizes that a contributing factor to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) may be a diet high in phosphorous. Either the mother's breast milk could be high in phosphorous, if the mother ate phosphorous rich foods, or if bottle fed, the baby could get too much phosphorous from cows milk that had superphospate in the food chain.

A theme runs throughout the book that high levels of phosphorous may cause paralysis in one form or another. A paralysis of the immature breathing system of the baby as in SIDS, infantile paralyses (polio) in children, and a paralysis of the breathing system in children and adults as in asthma. Weston notes that cows die from bloat when they are unable to burp out the gas, once again a paralysis of the breathing system.

New rains, on soils recently fertilised with superphosphate, cause a flood of phosphates to be taken up by the plants and into the milk and food supply, which could then contribute to an outbreak of disease. Weston claims that phosphorous can stimulate germ activity and that this is a contributing factor in the outbreaks of mastitis, 3 day fever and milk fever in dairy herds.

Weston and his family all thrived on fresh raw milk from pasture fed cows for 60 years, many with no refrigeration. Over 30 years of feeding raw cows milk to orphaned lambs on his farm, there were few if no fatalities. However, when he was unable to procure raw milk, 29 out of a group of 30 lambs died when fed pasteurised milk. Weston shows that there is a similarity between lamb deaths and and the death of babies (SIDS) in the era of pasteurised milk and the use of superphospate.

Weston points out that the correct phosphorous and calcium balance in the soil is essential for there to be the correct proportions in the food that we, and the farm animals eat. (It is interesting to note that a high phosphorous to calcium ratio has been cited as one reason why the calcium in non organic milk is not available to the body.)

Weston was able to heal his own cancer on two occasions, and the cancer in both humans and animals by avoiding foods that had superphosphate and organophosphate pesticides in the food chain, and by supplementing with a formula of salts: sodium bicarbonate, magnesium sulphate, potassium sulphate, iron sulphate and potassium iodide.

A comprehensive appendix of tables and graphs show a convincing correlation between cancers in cattle and humans over the last century.

This book is a must read for anyone who has cancer, and for anyone who has any doubts about the reason for eating organic food.

Reviewed by Abby Eagle 24/12/2004





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