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Read more points to ponder.

I posted this article at the suggestion of my local Doctor.

DISCLAIMER: This information is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for appropriate care from a qualified health practitioner.


Does Oil Pulling Really Work and are there easier options?


I have suffered from periodontal disease for a number of years with chronic teeth, jaw and kneck pain.

Sweet foods, fruit and juice are problematic as are acids such as vinegar or apple cider vinegar. I brush my teeth immediately after eating food and then floss followed by pulling with a number of items as follows. This is time consuming but I havve no choice.

I have tried oil pulling with coconut oil. And have also tried oregano oil, Listerine, Savacol, Black Seed Oil, Betadine Iodine and salt.

The oil pulling with coconut oil works but you have to pull it through your teeth for about 10-20 minutes every day. Best time is while preparing dinner.

A drop of oregano oil in a small quantity of water pulled through the teeth for a few minutes is excellent but ends up burning the mucus membranes. Rinse your mouth after use.

Black Seed oil works to a smaller degree but the oil is rancid so is not an option.

Listerine is helpful. I have used the alcohol free version - which was acceptable but the latest version which is purple has an astringent effect which is horrible. And it also contains a list of nasty ingredients. Rinse your mouth with water afterwards.

Savacol works but is quite toxic and my Holistic Dentist tells me that it should not be used on a regular basis. Rinse your mouth with water afterwards.

Betadine Iodine works well. (The oral version.) Recommended by a mainstream health practitioner. Mix 5 drops of Betadine with a quarter teaspoon of water and pull through the teeth for a few minutes. Rinse your mouth with water afterwards.

And leaving the best to last. Use salt. Good old salt. Recommended by my Doctor. Add a small amount of salt to about one tablespoon of water in the bottom of a glass. Dissolve the salt and pull the salty water through the teeth. It needs to be quite strong. Pull through the teeth for a few minutes then spit it out and then while there is still salt in the mouth pull the Betadine solution through the teeth for a few minutes then rinse your mouth with water.


DISCLAIMER: This information is based upon my personal experience and is posted for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for appropriate care from a qualified health practitioner.









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