Anne Wigmores Hippocrates health drink - Anne Wigmore rejuvelac recipe.
I was first introduced to Rejuvelac by my friends at the Hippocrates Health Centre on the Gold Coast of eastern Australia, where the guests drink a glass of rejuvelac each day to improve their bowel flora. Rejuvelac may also be used as a starter for sourdough bread, and nut and seed cheese.
Makes 2 litres Rejuvelac.
1. Rinse wheat in water to remove dust and debris.
2. Add the wheat to the glass jar. Fill with filtered water and cover with gauze held securely in place with an elastic band. (It is important to prevent the entry of insects.) Soak for 12 hours.
3. Pour off the soak water and refill. Leave the jar on a kitchen bench out of direct sunlight. Give the jar a gentle twirl, but not a shake, every 12 hours. Once a light foam develops the Rejuvelac should be ready for use. It may take anywhere from 2-5 days to ferment the Rejuvelac, depending on the ambient temperature. In hot weather where it may ferment too quickly (around 24 hours) it is possible for the Rejuvelac go putrid. Rejuvelac should have a pleasant yeasty smell with a lemon like flavour.
4. Once the Rejuvelac is ready then carefully decant the liquid into a clean container and refridgerate. The sediment can be used to make a second culture. Refill the jar with filtered water and ferment for another 24-36 hours. Decant the Rejuvelac and refridgerate. Discard the wheat grains and the sediment.
1. Rinse wheat in water to remove dust and debris.
2. Soak the grain over night in filtered water. Pour off the soak water and rinse. Cover the jar with muslin cloth held securely in place to prevent entry of insects, then lay the jar on its side to drain, allowing the wheat to sprout for 1-3 days or until the roots are 1-3 mm long. Rinse periodically to prevent the grains from drying out, and to remove any potentially harmful organisms. In hot weather you may need to rinse the sprouting wheat 4-5 times a day.
3. Fill the jar with filtered water and ferment the culture for 1-2 days or until it has gone milky with a layer of froth on the surface.
4. Decant the liquid and refrigerate.
1. It is possible for Rejuvelac to bad (as it is for sprouts and probably any fermented culture). You can generally tell if the Rejuvelac is okay by the smell and taste. It should be acidic with a pH less than pH 3.9. It is good practice to observe, smell and taste the rejuvelac periodically to become accustomed to the changes that occur (as it is for any fermented culture). Rejuvelac should keep in the fridge for a week or more, and will gradually sweeten with time.
2. All bacteria and yeasts have an optimum incubation temperature. Refrigeration will inhibit the growth of some organisms but may give an opportunity for others to flourish. Hot weather or high temperatures, may encourage the rapid growth of pathogenic organisms before the beneficial organisms get started, in which case the culture will smell putrid. If your Rejuvelac culture goes off then discard it, sterilise the jar and wait for cooler weather. In hot weather, it is feasible that a slight acidulation of the water with a little lemon juice at the start of the fermentation, may provide an environment less suited to pathogenic organisms.
3. "Rejuvelac. We used to call it rejuve-rot. It is not a Hippocrates invention, it is a traditional drink from the Baltic countries. We used it in the past because we thought it had lacto-bacteria. We paid for a study on rejuvelac; we naively thought the fermentation would always be good bacteria. The study found that this was not the case; 40% of the batches tested were good, 60% were bad. Also, you cannot tell by the smell if the bacteria are good or bad. Instead, you can use acidophilus supplements, and they can be taken as implants also." Notes from a Brian Clement Lecture taken by Tom Billings 27/04/1996
1 teaspoon = 5
ml / 5 gm. 1 tablespoon = 15 ml / 15 gm. 15 tablespoons = 1 cup / 225 ml. 1
cup = 8 fluid oz / 225 ml. 1 US gallon = 3.6 litres. 1 lb = 16 oz / 454 gm. Temperature 20C = 68F.
Conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius: C = (F - 32) / 1.8. Conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit: F = C x 1.8 + 32